Small price.
Big package.
Calculation & Payment
Processes & mutations
One decision.
Many reasons.
Based on your information, quitt Business recognizes what you need. We know with which authorities your company and your employees have to be registered and which contributions have to be paid to the social insurances. We ensure that you fulfill your employer obligations professionally and correctly at all times.
Compliant with the law
No stress with changes in the law. quitt Business stays up to date for you. At any time we are up to date regarding tariffs of our partners, compensation funds and authorities in all cantons throughout Switzerland. Just like your employment relationships, of course.
All from one source
Instead of dealing with many different authorities and insurance companies, you only communicate with quitt Business or conveniently log into your personal customer area via app. Online, in addition to practical templates, you will find all the information and documents related to the hiring, administration and wage payment of your employees.
Sit back and relax
We take care of the new entry of your employees and communicate with all authorities: register, settle accounts, pay your bills and wages. We take care of all the tasks related to hiring your employees. Other providers offer templates and tell you what to do. quitt Business does it, and you have time for your AG or GmbH!
Trusted by various customers:
Ready when you are.
Also for consultation.
Sign up today or let us help you. Book an appointment online and we will call you.
Your contact
Andres Roost