Our Partners


NewCo is your partner for an easy company formation in Switzerland. Start up for only CHF 490, sign digitally and benefit from legal support.

Exclusively receive two digital signature certifications worth CHF 100 free of charge.

Infinity Finance

Accounting made for the rest of us. Infinity Finance is Switzerland’s easiest fully powered accounting tool, designed for freelancers, startups and entrepreneurs. Currently available in German.

The first three months of your subscription are free, exclusively for quitt Business users. Cancel anytime.


CashCtrl is the multi-client Swiss cloud accounting software for SMEs, associations, and fiduciaries. Manage invoices, quotes, and financial statements independently or lead your business as a team. 100% Swiss-made.

Get a one-time gift of CHF 100 when purchasing CashCtrl PRO.


Aktionariat AG offers a simple and modern solution for raising fresh capital and enables SMEs to manage their shareholders, automatically keep the associated share register up to date and conduct digital votings in the course of corporate events. All this is possible thanks to the Swiss DLT law, tokenized shares, and the digital all-in-one management platform.

10% discount on the onboarding fee (excluding costs charged by the partners LEXR or BV4).


Innoswipe is an all-in-one market research platform that allows you to survey your customers quickly, easily and affordably. Ideas, concepts, products or visuals can be validated based on real market needs.

Receive 20 opinions from your target group free of charge on our platform. Credit will be credited directly.

SoHa Treuhand

With professional expertise and the use of suitable tools, we optimize your processes and make your accounting fit for the digital age. Our focus is on providing personal advice and finding solutions tailored to your individual needs.

Get a one-time discount of CHF 180 on the set-up services.


Want to launch or boost your entrepreneurial journey? Venturelab’s programs are designed to support entrepreneurs with global ambitions – from early-stage ideas to successful exits. Pick the program that fits your needs and get support networking, training, fundraising, and accelerating your business development.

Start benefiting from our free services now.
