It couldn’t be easier:
Register & payroll employees.

Registration with insurance & pension fund
Complete payroll administration
Legally correct employment contracts

Award winning App

Register employees.
In clicks, not hours.

Forget the paperwork and Excel spreadsheets. Register quickly, invite your employees and create the employment contract digitally. We take care of registration with the compensation fund, insurance companies, tax office and pension fund.

Paying wages yourself?
Water under the bridge.

Automated payroll accounting allows you to focus entirely on your core business. Simply enter salary payments, expenses, bonuses and more and we’ll take care of the rest.


All the documents you need.
Created based on your information.

Individual employment contract
Adaptable team contract
Adaptable expense regulations
Monthly pay slips
Annual salary statement
Cost overview
Payroll journal
Certificate of temporary employment
Document storage for each employee

What our customers say:

Managing a complex production and training the first employee is challenging. quitt Business relieves me of all payroll-related tasks. Automated, reliable, and cheaper than in-house.

Andreas Schürch – Adimonta AG

I like the fact that I have very little effort with the personnel costs and don't have to do any accounting. This allows me to focus more on the essential things of my company.

Othmar Stocker – Djurcom GmbH

Having a simplified and transparent system allows us to not worry about managing payroll, insurances and AHV contributions, but focus our time and energy on our clients and projects.

Joe Salmon – Haute Digital Sarl

Calculate wages yourself.
Without registration.

Calculate your employees’ wages yourself with our wage calculator and see at a glance what deductions and costs are calculated, without registration.

Net Wage CHF

Gross Wage CHF

Costs CHF


Less work for your trustee.
Less costs for you.

Lohn Lohnbuchaltungs Software Treuhänder quitt Business

CHF 120/h


CHF 120/h


CHF 120/h


CHF 120/h

13. Lohn

CHF 120/h


CHF 120/h


CHF 120/h

Kost & Logis

CHF 150/h


CHF 120/h

AHV Anmeldung
AHV bezahlen
UVG Anmeldung
UVG bezahlen
UVG+ Anmeldung
UVG+ bezahlen
KTG Anmeldung
KTG bezahlen
Pensionskasse Anmeldung
Pensionskasse bezahlen
Quellensteuer Anmeldung
Quellensteuer bezahlen
Individueller Arbeitsvertrag
Anpassbarer Teamvertrag
Anpassbares Spesenreglement
Monatliche Lohnabrechnung
Jährlicher Lohnausweis
Bescheinigung über Zwischenverdienst
Dokumentenspeicher für jeden Angestellten

CHF 175/h


CHF 175/h


CHF 175/h

Militär / Zivildienst

CHF 175/h

About Us

Our other product “quitt” for private individuals is the Swiss market leader in the management of private domestic help. With “quitt Business”, we also offer our service to companies.

Get started today:

Your employees now
register – 100% digital.


Any questions?

Based on your information, quitt Business knows what you need. We decide for you which authorities to register with and what social security contributions are due on your employment. We make sure that the employment is managed professionally and socially fair.

Compulsory insurances

  • Cantonal compensation office
    • All social security contributions like AHV, IV, EO, ALV and FAK
  • Accident insurance (UVG)
    • Always: occupational accident insurance (BU)
    • From 8h / week per employee: non-occupational accident insurance (NBU)
  • Pension fund
    • From an annual salary of CHF 22’050 per employee
    • Employment contracts limited to three months are excluded
  • Sick pay insurance (SPI)
  • Tax offices
    • For employees liable to source tax (neither CH-citizen nor C-card)

Voluntary supplementary insurance

  • Supplementary accident insurance hospital private + gross negligence

More about our insurances

CHF 19 per employee per month.

Added to this is 0.1% per insurance policy taken out of the total gross salary settled.

More about our prices

There is no service comparable to quitt Business. We are an automated and specialized online trustee that takes care of everything related to hiring and billing employees, without you having to hire internal or external staff.

Here, you save time and money:

  • Trustee
    • We take care of all administration and communicate with all authorities: register, settle accounts, pay invoices and support you in all matters concerning your employment.
    • Every year, we update all tariffs from all our partners, compensation offices and authorities in all cantons.
  • HR
    • Payroll: quitt Business saves you the trouble of downloading the payment file from the accounting department, uploading it to online banking and triggering it. Regardless of whether regular or hourly employment.
    • New employment: No need to send around the personnel master data sheet. With quitt Business, you only enter the mobile number of the person to be hired.
    • Pregnancy, child allowances, military, illness: No problem with quitt Business. Just press the “child allowances” button in the app. We know what to do – and do it for you.
  • Legal advice:
    • Based on your information, we create your employment contract, team contract and expense regulations (plus over ten other documents).
    • No stress with changes in the law – quitt Business stays up to date for you.

quitt Business does not replace any accounting tool
We take care of everything that concerns the employment and billing of your employees, but have nothing to do with invoicing, for example. quitt Business works perfectly with Bexio, Abacus, Banana, etc.

Among many other documents, quitt Business provides employment contract, team contract and expense regulations. You are free in the design of these documents; you can adapt them to your wishes and requirements and upload them to your customer area.

More about our employment contract, team contract and expense regulations
