Be it birthday or Christmas, say thank you to your employees on special occasions! Some presents are subject to AHV,…

How is the employment contract structured?
The hiring of a new employee is already followed by the first hurdle: the employment contract. As the basis of every employment relationship, it is important that this contract does not become a problem later on. With the quitt Business contract template, you are prepared for any situation and can devote your full attention to your core business.
That’s what it’s about
- quitt Business provides you with an employment contract, team contract, and expense regulations.
- The employment contract only regulates the individual employment relationship between employer and employee and is therefore very short.
- The team contract applies to all employees and is therefore more detailed and longer.
- Your employees can find out which business-related expenses are reimbursed in the expense regulations.
- You can adapt all three documents to your own wishes and needs at any time.
Nowadays, a carefully drafted employment contract that informs both parties about their rights and obligations is indispensable. However, anyone who has already dealt with this issue knows how tedious it can be. Termination, illness, pregnancy: There are countless events that can occur in the course of an employment relationship, and all of them need to be considered. Drawing up a contract that is complete and legally secure, but not too long and confusing, is a skill that needs to be learned.
One step ahead: the quitt Business contract template makes it possible
Therefore, more and more companies rely on contract templates that have proven themselves in business use. Currently, there are countless such templates on the web, designed by experts with the necessary knowledge and experience and made available online. quitt Business goes one step further and renders the whole set-up more compact, clear and fair.
Let’s take a closer look at the separate documents below.
Employment contract
The employment contract refers to the individual employee with whom the employment relationship is entered. The employment contract only regulates the most important points:
- The employee’s function
- Beginning of the contract
- Workload
- Weekly working hours
- Monthly gross salary
- Workplace
- Duration of the probation period
- Termination period
- Number of weeks of paid holidays
- Confidentiality obligation
- Procedure in case of contract amendments
Accordingly, the employment contract is kept very short. Under the point of the same name towards the end of the contract, there is then a reference to the longer team contract and the expense regulations for all further rules that apply to all employees.
Team contract
The team contract is an integral part of the employment contract. It includes provisions on pension funds, insurance fees, child allowances and conduct in the workplace. Furthermore, you have the option to expand on individual contractual conditions here in more detail. For example, the team contract can provide more information on working hours, such as how overtime is to be compensated and/or reimbursed, or determine flexitime, minimum breaks and recognized public holidays.
If you allow your employee to work from home and/or abroad, it may also be useful to clarify a number of issues in advance: Will the necessary equipment be provided by the company? Who will bear additional costs like network costs or costs deriving from electricity, heating or insurance? Can the confidentiality obligation also be guaranteed outside the workplace? You can specify the relevant details under “Home office, remote work”.
Expense regulations
With expense regulations, you give your employees the opportunity to check which catering costs, accommodation costs and other business-related costs are reimbursed.
Simple, fair, digital: your advantages with the quitt Business offer
The decisive advantage of our solution is, as our company motto already demonstrates: simple, fair, digital.
With us, you have the option of entering the employment contract and making amendments with a simple click. While the actual employment contract is kept relatively short as an approximately two-page document, the team contract offers enough space to go into detail about individual points. Another important advantage resulting from the three-part structure is the fact that the employment contract remains unaffected by any changes to the team contract and/or the expense regulations.
The special feature of the team contract is that the same conditions apply to everyone – including management members. The rules that apply in day-to-day business are openly communicated and can be viewed by all employees at any time. This sets the course for a transparent and thus fair corporate culture. In other words: It doesn’t get any fairer than this.
All documents can be accessed and customized online at any time.
See for yourself
Although we recommend you to use our contract template for the reasons mentioned above: The decision is entirely yours. The use of our contract template is not a mandatory requirement to benefit from the quitt Business offer. You are free to limit yourself to only billing via quitt Business. If you do decide to use our contract template, you are of course free to adapt it to your needs.
The best thing to do is to convince yourself of our service and register with quitt Business today!
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